“ My imagery arrives intuitively, neither intended nor preconceived. I work with the means in a sense of exploration and discovery, allowing suggestion, and respecting the mysterious. As in music, painting places me in the indeterminate, evoking fascinations of the unknown, and revealing atmospheric expressions of inner reality.
Figurative and atmospheric expressions emerge in gouache, casein, pastel, powdered pigment, ink and oil as monotype and painting. The form and content are neither abstractions nor representations, not ornamental nor a likeness, but rather exist as reality unto themselves, providing perhaps a glimpse into that vital world of unrealizable dreams.
Currently, gouache on paper with pastel overlays has become an exciting new medium for me, to some degree an extension of the oil on canvas painting process with which I am familiar, but much more immediate. The process of discovery was accelerated, engendering an awakening, and the emergence of new content and form. ”
Gregory Stephen McIntosh